
Epoxy Car Park Flooring

Car park flooring is not something that we usually pay attention to unless it needs a repair or maintenance. However, even the floor at the car park needs to be planned carefully with all considerations. You will need to ensure that the floor is not slippery and is able to provide traction to the wheels. This will ensure enough safety of the vehicle as well as the driver and passengers. One of your option is epoxy car park flooring.

However, there are a few  If there is a concrete floor, epoxy it will work as the sealant. Whether it is the parking floor of a commercial building, driveway, or personal garage, epoxy coating can be quite handy for any of them,. You will also notice that there are currently many industrial constructions use this flooring as well as epoxy paint flooring extensively.

These types of flooring is highly being used in shopping mall, high class commercial and office building. This is because without having the right flooring system, mishaps and unwanted injury might occur.

Benefits of Installing Epoxy Car Park Flooring

  • Durability: By adding the extra coat of epoxy on the concrete floor, you can make it more resistant to wear. Therefore the floor can actually last much longer than usually. This will help to save you more money on maintenance.
  • Stronger Floor: If you want to prevent the floor from the chemical breakdown, then you should definitely consider the coating of epoxy especially on the concrete floor. Epoxy converts into solid polymer and makes the floor much stronger.
  • Easy to Install:It is extremely easy to install the epoxy flooring. Also, it takes very little time in order to do that. Therefore, you can save a lot of time. If you are applying this coating at workplace, there will be very little downtime and hence there will be less impact on productivity.
  • Low Maintenance: Epoxy coating seals the floor and makes it nonporous. This makes it very easy for you to clean the floor and hence the maintenance is considerably quite low.
  • Visually attractive: Epoxy flooring’s are available in a number of colors and patterns. Depending upon your personal preferences and the overall decor, you can choose the type of flooring you want.

Potential Issues with Non-Epoxy Car Park

Without epoxy installed with the car park flooring system, there will be a lot of trouble that will occur over time for example:

  • The floor of the car park will be slippery thus making the place prone to accidents.
  • High maintenance where you will find it is hard to clean to the floor with increase in the maintenance cost.
  • Look dull and boring because the floor looks normal and prone to stain.
  • The floor can breakdown almost easily especially for heavy duty usage.

You may want to read up epoxy flooring system. In addition, epoxy rectification might also be useful for small area of damages in epoxy-installed car park.