
Epoxy Rectification

Most professionals who work with epoxy floor systems have seen some gnarly failing floors. Blistering, bubbling and improper bonding are very common problems experienced by epoxy users. As most common problems are, these failure issues are easily preventable. The epoxy rectification work is actually the work to repair the failing epoxy floor.

The epoxy rectification process can help prevent cracks and other failure from getting worse gradually. There is a chance that, if not fixed properly, it may cost a lot to rectify in future. Most people who opt for epoxy would have already known the benefits of epoxy. Hence, if we can save cost by rectifying the epoxy floor, we do not need to replace the entire floor.

Advantages of epoxy rectification:
  • Prevent the problem from getting worse that it might affect the whole building
  • Avoid from having to spend more money on the repairing process, since the rectification process will only cost you a little
  • Cure your building and flooring so that it can last longer than usual
Disadvantages of epoxy rectification:
  • Some of the rectification products that being used such as resin, it is prone to trapping air bubbles or dust.
  • We cannot always guarantee a flawless finish
  • There will always be amount of interference from environmental elements.

However the key focus in epoxy rectification works is actually to cover up all the visible cracks or improve the overall look. If your affected floor is only a small portion, you do not need to spend too much to replace the entire floor. Just fix the affected area via epoxy rectification, would be sufficient, to extend the tenure of your epoxy floor.

We may be able to propose you with a suitable and cost-saving procedure to repair damaged epoxy flooring. In addition, we can help you save money from having to replace your concrete surface entirely. So contact us and get in touch.

Check out our other types of flooring such as hardwood flooringmarble flooring and artificial grass flooring for more information.